O propósito

Google group – Arts Informed Research Portugal AIR-PT
Portuguese group interested in arts-informed research. For sharing information about Coimbra encounters and international events. O grupo português interessado na “arts-informed research”. Para a partilha de informações sobre Coimbra encontros e outros eventos nacionais e internacionais.

This is the blog for sharing information about arts-informed research (and other related forms, arts-based, a/r/tography, etc). It is an online element for the informal network based in Coimbra, Portugal, but we welcome anyone who would like to engage with us.

We have begun a monthly series of gatherings. As an English speaker, I originally used the word “meeting” to describe these because in English “meetings” can be informal gatherings of friends with drinks etc. However, I have learned that the use of the word “reunião” in Portuguese gives a strong impression that this is a formal situation with rules and which includes some qualified people or official members and others are not welcome. This is the opposite of what we are trying to create. Over the next few gatherings we will discuss other terms which we could use such as “encontro” (which now replaces reunião on this site), and “tertúlia” and “salon” so that more people will fully understand that we are trying to create an inclusive space which is dynamic so that it can be supportive of diverse needs and interests for works-in-progress, sharing, and challenging/resisting/transforming formal structures and practices in order to support artful ways of knowing, doing and being as part of diverse research processes.

Do you know of any other words that might better describe this goal? Ideas from any language or culture are welcome.

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